Past Webinar Videos

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Title : A hard stone to break: Melasma Q switch laser experience in Guatemala

Centro Medico Integral and Centro de Especialidades Médicas de Oriente, Guatemala

Title : The in vitro effect of Galenia africana on malignant melanoma and human keratinocytes

University of the Western Cape, South Africa

Title : An investigation into the acute and subacute toxicity of extracts of Cassipourea flanaganii crude stem bark in vivo

University of KwaZulu-Natal and Durban University of Technology Hospital, South Africa

Title : Paranasal augmentation of the piriform aperture in the functional and aesthetic aspect. Age-related changes in the piriform aperture. Systematic review of paranasal augmentation techniques

Ryazan State Medical University, Russian Federation

Title : Possibilities of aesthetic medicine in the treatment of vulvar lichen sclerosis

Moscow Research and Practical Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology, Russian Federation

Title : Report of a successful diode laser treatment for intra-oral vascular malformation lesion

Shahid Beheshti University, Iran

Title : The importance of a dermatological examination in patients with exclusively aesthetic complaints

Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil

Title : An exploratory study to identify the gender-based purchase behavior of consumers of natural cosmetics

M.S.Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, India

Title : An experience on atrophic acne scar treatment from Nepal

B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Nepal

Title : Double serum sampled glomerular filtration rate measurement with technetium 99m diethylenetriamine-penta acetate for valuation of renal functions in patients with psoriasis vulgaris

Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Turkey

Title : Clinical responses of subcutaneous abdominal fat and rectus abdominis muscle thicknesses following treatment with a high-intensity focused electromagnetic field device

Medaes Medical Centre, Hong Kong

Title : Cone-beam computed tomographic comparison of chin symphysis bone particles and allograft versus iliac crest bone graft alone for reconstruction of alveolar bone defects in cleft patients

Islamic Azad University Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Iran

Title : Scaffolding for stem cell therapy: Treatment of spinal cord injury

University of Florida, USA