Teresa Vasconcelos

Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Title: Combined use of plasm rich in growth factors


Aging or senescence is a multifactorial process characterized by the progressive decrease of functional capacity in all tissues and organs of the body, especially the skin.

The plasm rich in growth factors (PRGF) has demonstrated its use in aesthetic medicine for facial rejuvenation.

The new injectable gel (Endoret gel) promotes a release of growth factors and signalling molecules that play a central role in tissue regeneration, and can be prepared in low or high density gel forms.

The goals of these study are: to evaluate the effectiveness of PRGF treatment when using it in fillings and in facial rejuvenation, to evaluate the clinical and ecographic changes with the application of PRGF in the facial, cervical and dorsal regions of the hands and to explore the degree of satisfaction 
of the patients with the procedure.

A prospective clinical study was conducted in a total of 15 patients between 36 and 64 years old, with external signs of aging.

The protocol used in this study was of BTI, patients were photographed, and an ultrasound was performed to measure subepidermal low-echogenic band SLEB before the first treatment and before the second treatment. A third meeting was held to evaluate the results both by the patients 
and by the authors.

The study provided evidence that moderate wrinkles and furrows were softened, as well as the existence of improvement in skin quality, hydration, and uniformity of skin colour, with patient satisfaction. It also showed improvement in the SLEB level of each patient.

It is a good skin rejuvenation treatment and / or alternative to other treatments, however, controlled studies with larger and more homogeneous samples and with longer follow-up periods are needed to have a greater certainty of its efficacy.

We concluded that the clinical and ultrasounds changes with the application of PRGF in the facial, cervical and dorsal regions of the hands were objectively and subjectively verified by the study participants and the investigators, translating into a high degree of patient satisfaction with the 

Key words: Skin rejuvenation, platelet-rich plasma, Endoretâ gel, BTI Biotechnology Institute
